Bosco Fairbairn cast as Bumpus Hound in A Christmas Story, the Musical
Name: Bosco Fairbairn
DOB: August 6th (12 human years – 84 if you count dog years! Yikes I feel old now!)
Hometown:Denver Colorado
Education: Sit, Stay, Come – University of Dan and Stacie Fairbairn
Day Job: professional napper and expert squirrel chaser
Holiday: I like all days equally, as I am a dog
Season: I like all seasons equally, as I am a dog. I enjoy the outdoors no matter what the crazy Colorado weather has to offer.
Toy: Squirrel please! Fun to chase but rather irritating when they are teasing me from up a tree!
Animal: Do you seriously have to ask me that?
Beverage: Toilet water
Pastime: napping on the couch, wandering away from the dog wrangler backstage and chasing squirrels!
Morning Walk or Afternoon? Shhhh… Don’t tell my owners that there is an option- I’ve convinced them that both are necessary!
Dry or Wet Food? Food is food, I don’t even care if it is meant for consumption by a living thing or not, just GIVE IT TO ME!!
Ball or Frisbee? Please, I’m too sophisticated for silly toys! Squirrels are free and fun to chase!
Back or Belly Rub? YES PLEASE!!!!!
What’s your favorite holiday tradition? Running through the snow and mud and then tracking it through the entire Fairbairn residence multiple times a day!
You are stranded at the North Pole, what two items do you bring? Are there squirrels at the North Pole? I’m pretty sure I would be fine if there were squirrels there!
When life hands you lemons? I eat them, and then sneeze a hundred times because I’m a dog and I don’t like the taste of sour things.
What’s your biggest fear? That all the squirrels in the world were to disappear! I would have nothing to chase! That would be awful!
Who is your hero? My people in my family! They pick up my poop and STILL love me!
Why should we see A Christmas Story The Musical? Because finally a director realized that labs are better than hounds!
Any holiday wishes? Hoping for another bird feeder in the backyard to lure more squirrels for the me to chase!
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