Support Us
Give to THAC
THAC relies on individual, corporate, foundation and government support to produce dynamic theatre and educational programs. Your gifts help assure THAC will be here to engage, inspire and entertain for years to come. There are several ways to support us.
Become a THAC Sponsor
Support THAC while reinforcing your own brand in our community. We customize packages to help sponsors meet their unique goals. Entertain top clients with one of our intimate VIP Theatre Nights, including a pre-show reception and private performance.
Become a Backstage Donor
This special giving program helps to strengthen our children’s education programming and to ensure we can produce outstanding live theatre.
Make it a Fundraiser!
We help other nonprofit organizations raise tens of thosuands of dollars by creating special evenings and staging special peformances for their best donors and prospects in our intimate theatre.
Leave a Legacy
Whether you give through a bequest in a will or trust, or designate THAC a beneficiary on your retirement account, life insurance, or other estate-planning vehicle, your gift helps ensure we are here long into the future.
You Make It Possible
Backstage Donors
Only a portion of operating expenses are covered by ticket sales. The rest comes from generous supporters like you. Every donation enables THAC to produce top quality shows, pay all artists and provide children’s programming. As our way of saying thank you for your generosity, benefits are offered at the following levels:
- Your name listed in the program for one calendar year from date of your donation
- Your name listed in the program for one calendar year from date of your donation
- Invitation to Donor Events such as Donor Rehearsal Visits
- Your name listed in the program for one calendar year from date of your donation
- Status upgrade to VIP (Very Invested Patron) which includes:
- Invitation to Donor Events such as Donor Rehearsal Visits
- Season Reveal Invitation
- Invitation to Gala Event
- Concession Punch Card for 3 free concession items to be used within one calendar year from the date of your donation
- Signed Paybill for one show of your choice within one calendar year from the date of your donation* Preferred Show item must be requested through the Patron Experience manager before the preferred production has completed its run
- Your name listed in the program for one calendar year from date of your donation
- Status upgrade to VIP (Very Invested Patron) which includes:
- Invitation to Donor Events such as Donor Rehearsal Visits
- Season Reveal Invitation
- Invitation to Gala Event
- Concession Punch Card for 3 free concession items to be used within one calendar year from the date of your donation
- Signed Paybill for one show of your choice within one calendar year from the date of your donation* Preferred Show item must be requested through the Patron Experience manager before the preferred production has completed its run
- Signed Cast Poster for one show of your choice within the calendar year from the date of your donation* Preferred Show item must be requested through the Patron Experience manager before the preferred production has completed its run
- Two complimentary tickets in our preferred seating for any show to be used within one calendar year from the date of your donation
- Your name listed in the program for one calendar year from date of your donation
- Your name listed in the program for one calendar year from date of your donation
- Status upgrade to VIP (Very Invested Patron) which includes:
- invitation to Donor Events such as Donor Rehearsal Visits
- Season Reveal Invitation
- Invitation to Gala Event
- Concession Punch Card for 3 free concession items to be used within one calendar year from the date of your donation
- Signed Paybill for one show of your choice within one calendar year from the date of your donation* Preferred Show item must be requested through the Patron Experience manager before the preferred production has completed its run
- Signed Cast Poster for one show of your choice within the calendar year from the date of your donation* Preferred Show item must be requested through the Patron Experience manager before the preferred production has completed its run
- Four complimentary tickets in our preferred seating for any show to be used within one calendar year from the date of your donation
- Dinner for Two to any Downtown Littleton Main Street Restaurant ($75.00 value)
- Recognition on our show board at each production for one calendar year from the date of your donation.
* Complimentary guest tickets will be automatically loaded into donor account as a credit to be accessed online or in the Box Office
* Season package can be gifted
Get close to the magic
Be a THAC Volunteer
Volunteers are the lifeblood of any organization. They enhance the patron experience and help create the safe welcoming environment that makes Town Hall so unique. Volunteers also help reduce our nonprofit organization’s operational expenses by tens of thousands of dollars each year — which makes it possible for us to present more theatre to more people throughout our community.
Please email us to find out more and join!
Thank You, Sponsors!