Name: Caitlin Conklin
DOB: November 27th
Hometown: Highlands Ranch
Education: Oboe, Theatre, and Education degrees from DU!
Day Job: K-8 Music and Drama Teacher at the Montessori School of Denver
Dr. Seuss Story: The Sneetches
Season: Pumpkin-Spice season (otherwise known as Fall)
Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Musical: Fiddler on the Roof
Color: Yellow
Animal: Narwhal
Book: Any of the Harry Potters
Band: The Civil Wars
Song: “You Matter to Me” from Waitress
Beverage: Hot chocolate
Holiday Tradition: Baking cookies!
Cats or Dogs? Dogs
Beer or Wine? Wine
Cake or Pie? Cake
Sweet of Sour? Sweet
Coke or Pepsi? Coke
Spicy or Mild? Mild
Coffee or Tea? Coffee
Piercings or Tattoos? Neither.
Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt? Frozen Yogurt
City or Country? City
Netflix or Hulu? Netflix
It’s night before it’s afternoon. December is here before It’s June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon? Because I spent all the day playing the bassoon!
A person’s a person, no matter…? How tall?
You are stranded on a deserted island, what two items do you bring? Sunscreen and my dog, Molly!
When life hands you lemons? Throw them at your enemies.
Who is your hero? Sarah Paulson
Biggest fear? Spiders
What inspires you? I’m inspired by kind people with incredible talent and a strong point of view.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Winning the underwater basket weaving world championship.
Can we follow you? FB? Twitter? Instagram? I’m terrible at keeping up with social media, but here’s my FB page- https://www.facebook.com/caitlincconklin
Why see SEUSSICAL? A lot of shows, music, books, etc are dealing with really hard, and really important topics right now. Sometimes, your heart and mind just need a show that makes you smile, makes you giggle, and makes you remember there is a lot of kindness and joy in the world. SEUSSICAL does just that, for adults and children alike.