Name: Stephen Charles Turner
DOB: December 2nd, 1976
Hometown: Colorado Springs
Education: Bachelor’s of Musical Theatre, University of Northern Colorado
Day Job: Slumlord, and I mostly work at Candlelight Dinner Playhouse
Holiday Tradition: Dining at a Chinese restaurant on Christmas Eve
Off-Time: I’m an avid board gamer. I play tons of games and am always learning more. I also design games. Check out My Big Break, the hilarious cutthroat board game that follows musical theater actors as they audition their way to success! www.mybigbreakgame.com
Season: Autumn. I love the colors, and it is neither too hot nor too cold.
Movie: Mary Poppins
Musical: Into the Woods, but Sunday in the Park With George is climbing my chart. So is Hamilton
Color: Green
Animal: I love zebras!
Book: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. This is the only book I ever threw across a room in frustration!
Band: The Beatles
Song: Whatever is stuck in my head at the time…
Beverage: Glenlivet 15, with a splash of water
Past, Present, or Future? Present
Cats or Dogs? Dogs
Beer or Wine? Scotch
Sweet of Sour? Sweet
Mild or Spicy? Mild
Coffee or Tea? Tea
Piercings or Tattoos? Neither, but I prefer tattoos
FroYo or Ice Cream? Ice cream is the nectar of the gods
City or Country? City
Coke or Pepsi? Both
Netflix or Hulu? Netflix
Early Bird or Night Owl? Night Owl
When life hands you lemons? Lemon tree, very pretty, and the lemon flower is sweet, but the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.
Who do you admire most? I admire a local actor named Wayne Kennedy. He’s an amazing performer, and so impressive to watch as a parent as well.
What is your biggest fear? I fear boredom and drudgery, this is probably why avoid ever getting a real job.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Probably doing exactly the same thing I am now, and living in the exact same place.
What is one thing on your “bucket” list? Bungee jumping for realsies.
What is the most rewarding advice you’ve received? Only you can make you happy.
Can we follow you? FB? Twitter? Instagram? Not really. Sorry. As self-deluded as I am, I don’t need to start having ‘fans’ to make my solipsism worse.
Why see A Christmas Carol? I think everybody needs a reminder that Scrooge is in all of us, and that from time to time we need to realize how we can be better people than we are.