A commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging



Town Hall Arts Center is deeply saddened by the injustices and cruelty that have destroyed the lives of so many people of color in our country.

While THAC focuses on theatre as entertainment, we do look for opportunities to support and celebrate people from every race, religion, gender identity, and sexual orientation. In working with artists to create theatre, we strive to bring a community together, to share, to be moved, to experience, to grow, and to be entertained.

THAC at its core is committed to enriching the cultural, social and educational life of our community through live theatre. As an organization, we recognize the programming choices we make impact our stakeholders in many different ways, and we strive to make those decisions with awareness and consideration for everyone. We pledge to cast our shows so that ethnic roles are portrayed by ethnic actors and actresses.

In 2019, we began transforming our Board to be more inclusive of diversity and to expand that diversity in an attempt to recognize people of different races, religions, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Like our society as a whole, Town Hall Arts Center will begin a process of reflection to identify and take action on further opportunities to truly realize our mission of enriching the cultural, social and educational life of our entire community. We will periodically update you about our progress.

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