Ticket sales for Hunchback are offline 2 hours before showtime. Walk up tickets are available at the box office at Littleton United Methodist Church.

Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike



by Christopher Durang

Directed by John Ashton
Assistant Director – Kris Graves
Stage Manager – Hannah Tripp
Assistant Stage Manager – Chandler Hinckley

Rehearsals: December 8, 2024 – January 9, 2025 – Generally Sunday through Thursday evening
Tech: January 11 – 16, 2025
Performances: January 17 – February 9, 2025

This play has 6 roles available for strong comedic actors. In addition, there are positions for Understudies and Swings. All roles are open to actors of all ethnicities/races, gender identities, and abilities. All are welcome and encouraged to audition.

All roles are paid a $500 rehearsal stipend and a per show rate between $65 and $70. Understudies will receive an additional rehearsal stipend. Swings are paid a $500 rehearsal stipend and $100 per week on-call stipend for the run, plus a per-show rate for any shows they cover.

No AEA/Equity contracts are available for this production.

Town Hall Arts center adheres to the Community Standards for Theatre for Colorado as set forward by the Colorado Theatre Guild.

Rehearsal and Performance calendar available in downloadable versions on the SignUpGenius link.

Adult Actors (18+) – In-Person Auditions

Saturday September 7th – 10am to 3pm (will extend hours if needed) Town Hall Arts Center 2450 W Main St, Littleton, CO 80120


  • 1-minute monologue in the style of the show
  • Hard copy of headshot and resume (please also upload a digital copy prior to the day of auditions at the link below)

Click here to Sign up for an audition slot: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C44A8A72EA7F8C34-50801299-vanya

Click here to upload digital headshot and resume: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTnsD4ypsbPcaH03xdGsja2o8fkP_dJfxiAcOtpVNCxX1Emw/viewform

Invited callbacks will be held on Saturday September 14th from 10am to 3pm – Location: Town Hall Arts Center

Further information will be provided to those invited to attend.

Rehearsal and Performance Schedule:

Character Breakdown

The genders attached to characters are as they identify within the script. Actors of all genders are welcome to audition for any role they feel comfortable presenting on stage.

Vanya (M)

Age: Late 40’s-50’s
Tired gay man living in Bucks County Pennsylvania with his adopted sister. Resigned to his life, more or less.

Sonia (F)

Age: Late 40’s-50’s
Adopted sister of Vanya and Masha living in Bucks County Pennsylvania. Discontent, upset, regretful….prone to mood swings.

Masha (F)

Age: Late 40’s-50’s
The sibling that made it. Glamorous and successful actress who travels everywhere in the world, except Bucks County Pennsylvania if she can help it.

Spike (M)

Age: 20’s to early 30’s
Hollywood Himbo. Stereotypically beautiful, built, confident, and cocky, but also friendly, charming, and seductive. Masha’s new boy-toy.

NOTE: Anyone auditioning for this role must be comfortable with blatant sexuality and spending much of their time on stage in their underwear. This character is written as someone who flaunts their beauty and uses their body to get what they want.

Cassandra (F)

Age: Any age
Cleaning lady. Visionary. Soothsayer. Often bursts into prophecy of word salad filled with legends and lore from a multiverse of cultures. Strong verbal dexterity and comedic skills needed.

Nina (F)

Age: 20’s
Lovely and sincere wanna-be actress next door. Star struck by Masha and love struck by Spike. Energetic and enthusiastic.

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