Ticket sales for Hunchback are offline 2 hours before showtime. Walk up tickets are available at the box office at Littleton United Methodist Church.

Get to know Marvin “Buck” Barrow…



Chas Lederer. Cast as Marvin “Buck” Barrow in Bonnie & Clyde the musical…

Name: Chas Lederer
DOB: November 15th 1992
Hometown: Evergreen,  CO
Education: Bachelors in Acting from the University of Northern Colorado
Day Job: Papa Murphys Pizza

Holiday: Thanksgiving
Season: Spring
Movie: Forrest Gump
Musical: Far too many to choose from!
Color: Blue
Animal: Monkeys 
Book: I Am The Messenger by Markas Zusack
Band: The Fray or anything Chance the Rapper touches.
Song: Right now its Tell Me by R.Lum.r
Beverage: Raspberry Tea or Dr. Pepper
Pastime: Sleep

Dogs or cats? DOGS
Sweet or Sour? Sweet
Cake or Pie? Allergic to both!
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate 
Coke or Pepsi? Dr. PEPPER
Spicy or Mild? Mild
Coffee or Tea? Tea
Piercings or Tattoos? Tattoos (2)
Soup or Salad? Salad
City or Countryside? Both. Yup.  
Mountains or Ocean? Mountains

You are stranded on a deserted island, what two items do you bring? A multi tool and a long Stephen King book
When life hands you lemons? Turn them for a profit. 
Dream role to perform? Christopher in The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night.
Who is your hero? My nonstop go getter of a twin brother. 
What’s your biggest fear? Open water. 
What inspires you? People who consistently and fearlessly fight for what is right and good without questioning it. 
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 10 years older and hopefully 10 years wiser. 
Can we follow you? FB? Twitter? Instagram? Sure! Thanks for asking! (FB) (TWITTER) (INSTAGRAM)
How do you want the world to remember you? As someone who could make you laugh, move you, and made you feel loved. 
Why should we see Bonnie & Clyde? You should see Bonnie and Clyde because after all is said and done, this is a show about love. About how far people will go and can survive on love alone. This world needs some loving right now, and this show provides it in rich, raw, and moving ways. 

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