Lexi Van De Walker as Lou Ann in HAIRSPRAY

Name: Lexi Van De Walker
DOB: June 12, 1996
Hometown: Charlotte, NC
Education: Nutrition major at Metro, Colorado School of Chinese Medicine for Graduate school
Day Job: Nanny and Kidstage teacher for after school programs in Highlands Ranch.
Season: Fall
Movie: The Gladiator
Musical: Evita
Color: Burnt Orange
Animal: Lion
Book: Commonwealth
Band: The Lumineers
Song: Chunky by Bruno Mars
Sport: Baseball
Beverage: Kombucha
Pastime: Swimming or Skiing (depending on the season)
Dogs or cats? Cats
Beer or Mixed Drinks? Mixed Drinks
Cake or Pie? Peach Pie
Sweet of Sour? Sour
Coke or Pepsi? Coke
Spicy or Mild? Spicy
Coffee or Tea? Tea
Boxers or Briefs? Briefs
Piercings or Tattoos? Tattoos
City or Country? Country
Netflix or Hulu? Netflix
It takes two to…? Shop. I never shop alone. I always need a second opinion.
You can’t stop the…? Road rage when someone is driving 10 under the speed limit.
You are stranded on a deserted island, what two items do you bring? Chapstick and a blender
When life hands you lemons? Put them in your water and alkalize your body.
Who is your hero? My brother. He’s my other half.
What’s your biggest fear? Being stuck in the same place forever.
What inspires you? Traveling. Seeing other cultures makes me so excited and optimistic about the future.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Owning my own Acupuncture practice.
Can we follow you? FB? Twitter? Instagram? Yes! Facebook- Lexi Van De Walker, Instagram- lexivandewalker1
Why see HAIRSPRAY? This show has a wonderful message and that’s one reason to come and see it. But there is nothing better than watching people do what they are passionate about. There is something so magical when a group of people comes together, from all different walks of life, to present a heart warming production. You should see HAIRSPRAY to experience the many smiles and beautiful faces on stage.
HAIRSPRAY is set in 1962 Baltimore Maryland, what can this story teach us today? HAIRSPRAY obviously addresses race issues and I wasn’t completely aware of many of the struggles that black people face today until I started to get to know many of my fellow, black cast mates. They have opened my eyes to racism that is still present today and HAIRSPRAY teaches a great message and reminds us all that it isn’t about new cars, blonde hair, or cool dance moves. It’s about the heart.
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