Ticket sales for Hunchback are offline 2 hours before showtime. Walk up tickets are available at the box office at Littleton United Methodist Church.

Get to know George Zamarripa



George Zamarripa as The Piragua Guy, IN THE HEIGHTS

George Zamarripa as The Piragua Guy

Name: George A. Zamarripa
DOB: July 15
Hometown: Pueblo, Colorado
Education: BA, Sarah Lawrence College, Concentrations in Literature and Philosophy
Day Job: I manage marketing, recruitment, and communications for the International English Center at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Season: Fall
Movie: I’d have to say it’s a tie: Dangerous Liaisons and The House of Yes
Musical: A Chorus Line
Color: Red
Animal: Cats. My husband and I have two!
Book: Another tie: Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin and Beloved by Toni Morrison
Band: I’m good with ties: The Smiths and Depeche Mode
Song: Express Yourself by Madonna
Sport: What’s that?
Beverage: I love lots of different beverages of the adult variety. Right now, I’m really into Negronis (dry gin, vermouth rosso, and campari).
Pastime: Spending time with my husband Clay.

Piragua or Ice Cream? Why choose? Have both!
Dogs or cats? I love both, but we’re a cat household.
Beer or Wine? Depends on my mood and what I’m eating. Mostly wine, though.
Cake or Pie? Probably cake.
Sweet or Sour? Sweet
Coke or Pepsi? Coke, no question.
Spicy or Mild? Spicy!
Coffee or Tea? Coffee!
Boxers or Briefs? Briefs. Boxers are too bulky.
Piercings or Tattoos? Tattoos.
City or Country? I’m a city boy through and through.
Netflix or Hulu? At this point, you should know I don’t really like making choices.

You are stranded on a deserted island, what two items do you bring? My husband and my iPhone.
You win the lotto, how do you spend $96,000.00? Pay off bills and put the rest into investments. Boring, I know. OK, and maybe a trinket or two. Perhaps a European vacation.
When life hands you lemons? Throw them at your enemies!
Who is your hero? My father. He lived through a time where storefronts posted signs that read “No Mexicans.” He understood the value of a hard day’s work, the importance of family, and had the integrity and the guts to stand up for what he believed in. He was a WWII vet, a true role model, and I miss him very much.
What’s your biggest fear? Not being taken seriously.
What inspires you? Lots of things: music, film, raw talent, thoughtfulness, kindness, integrity, empathy, justice.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Happy, healthy, still performing, and happily married to the love of my life!
Can we follow you? FB? Twitter? Instagram? Follow me on Instagram: @gzam76
Why see IN THE HEIGHTS? In the Heights is a musical that celebrates the immigrant experience. It highlights the joys, the struggles, the relationships, the dreams, of a community living at the top of Manhattan in Washington Heights. The story reminds us of how interconnected our lives are, that communities and families rise and fall together, and that “home” is more than where you live. We’ve worked so hard to breathe life into these characters – to tell their stories with respect and love. We can’t wait to share their stories with you – to invite you to their home “at the top of the world.”


In the Heights

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