Ticket sales for Hunchback are offline 2 hours before showtime. Walk up tickets are available at the box office at Littleton United Methodist Church.

Get to know José Davíd Reynoza…



José Davíd Reynoza as Unsavi de la Vega, IN THE HEIGHTS

Jose David Reynoza as Usnavi de la Vega

Name: José Davíd Reynoza
DOB: November 10th
Hometown: born in Durango, Mexico but grew up in Brighton, Colorado. What is home??
Education: University of Northern Colorado 
Day Job: student/ freelance event photographer 

Season: Fall
Movie: La Vita é Bella (Life is Beautiful)
Musical: In the Heights… and I’m not just saying that, promise!
Color: Blue!! …Or Red! Depends on the day.
Animal: Lion! Rawr… 🙂
Book: I need to make more time to read! But loved Shutter Island.
Band: One Republic. 
Song: “I Lived” by One Republic.
Sport: Play soccer, watch football.
Beverage: Orchata or iced tea please.
Pastime: Drawing, or watching movies! 

Piragua or Ice Cream? Piragua! Watermelon flavor please.
Dogs or cats? DOGS! I might be allergic to cats.
Beer or Wine? Depends, are we trying to be classy? Pinot Grigio please. 
Cake or Pie? Tres leches yeah?
Sweet of Sour? Both? Sour Patch Kids!
Coke or Pepsi? Coke! In a glass bottle yes?
Spicy or Mild? Mango habanero spicy.
Coffee or Tea? Tea! Unless it’s cafe con leche! 
Boxers or Briefs? Let’s say both.
Piercings or Tattoos? Probably will get a tattoo one day. Neither right now.
City or Country? City with the country nearby to escape to when needed.
Netflix or Hulu? … Hulu usually actually!

You are stranded on a deserted island, what two items do you bring? Music and…. wait can I bring a boat, or is that cheating? 😉
You win the lotto, how do you spend $96,000.00? Help my parents first and invest in theater!
When life hands you lemons? Squeeze one into your rum and coke!
Who is your hero? Other than my parents, Lin Manuel Miranda… yes cheesy, but true.
What’s your biggest fear? Dying without having left a legacy of some kind and inspiring others to follow their dreams.
What inspires you? Love, and seeing dedicated passionate people strive for greatness.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Living in New York, happy, and starting a regional theater company somewhere!
Can we follow you? FB? Twitter? Instagram?
…Yes please! All the above! LINKS: FB, TWITTER & INSTAGRAM

Why see IN THE HEIGHTS? It’s a great and fun story with a lot of heart!! Great music and witty lines. A very important show, especially in this political climate, with a message of unity and love. I guarantee it’ll be a great time! 🙂


In the Heights


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