

Hello THAC Friends & Followers,
Check out our August 2016 #OFFSTAGESTARS  listed below! And don’t forget to recognize your #OFFSTAGESTARS at: townhallartscenter.org/offstagestars/

Cheers, Corey Brown
Operations Director & Volunteer Manager


“3 cheers for Jan & Mark! They are pleasant and cheerful, patient and kind to all patrons. They are quick to answer questions from the bar to the show to the gallery and display great team spirit!”

-Tamara Jarrett, Box Office & House Manager at THAC

“I would like to recommend Douglas Rintell for #OffStageStars recognition. Until he became ill, he thoroughly enjoyed volunteering at THAC for a number of years. He misses this very much and we plan to have him attend future shows when possible. Thank you for this consideration.”

-Bill Simpson, Volunteer at THAC

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