“Sylvia” a Success



“Sylvia” just closed yesterday and the tech crew have already started putting up the set for the next show. Today we received a wonderful email about “Sylvia” that we wanted to share:


You may remember my contacting you about tickets to Sylvia for Columbine High School for last Thursday’s performance.  I just wanted to let you know what a smash success it was and hoped you might pass the word along to the director, cast, and crew.

The class I brought is called ACE (Alternative Co-operative Education), and it is made up of kids who have been identified as at-risk.  They generally do not like school or literature, most have never been to a live theatre performance, and a number of them were very grumpy about being made to dress up and go to a play at night.  On the bus back home, they were unanimously begging to go to another play.  I just finished grading their reviews, and every one of them was gushing with praise.  They were particularly amazed at Mr. Cullum’s ability to portray three different and distinct characters, and half the boys are madly in love with Ms Hines.  They were captivated by every actor.  They were also impressed by the way the small space was used.

In the past, I have taken my ACE classes to the DCPA, so the Town Hall Arts Center was a first for me.  I am always careful to choose a play I know will shake up kids’ expectations of “theatre,” so I can’t guarantee that we’ll always choose the Arts Center, but it’s certainly on my radar.

Thank you,

Paula Reed

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