Hello THAC Friends & Followers!
Welcome to the 34th season at Town Hall Art’s Center! We couldn’t be more excited to open this season with the 10 year anniversary of West Side Story. Get your tickets NOW! Tickets are selling faster than we’ve ever experienced. And while you anxiously await showtime, follow to the THAC blog and get to know this amazingly talented cast. On today’s entry we get to know Ms. Ronnie Gallup, cast as Anita. Peep her Q&A below to see why she believes this classic musical is still relevant today… Cheers!

Name: Ronni Gallup
DOB: January 21st
Hometown: Littleton, CO
Education: Degree in American Sign Language Interpreting
Day Job: Performer, Choreographer and ASL Arts Accessibility
Color: Black
Movie: Wizard of Oz
Animal: Penguin
Book: Who has time to read?
Band: NA
Song: I Lived
Musical: Jersey Boys
Smell: Ewwww….
Beverage: Caffeine
Season: Spring
Holiday: Halloween
Pastime: Dancing
Dogs or Cats? Dogs
Lover or Fighter? Lover
Boxers or Briefs? Spanks!
Sweet or Sour? Neither
Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt? Ice Cream
Spring or Fall? Spring
Sunrise or Sunset? Sunset
Beach or Pool? Pool
Sharks or Jets? SHARKS FOR LIFE!
Do you feel pretty? Sometimes!
When life hands you lemons? Take a deep breath and realize it could always be worse!
You’re stranded on a deserted island… What two items do you bring? My two kids.
How long have you been performing? Since I was 6
What’s your favorite role that you’ve played? Peggy Sawyer in 42nd Street or Louise in Gypsy-definitely going to add Anita to this list
What’s your dream role to be cast? Velma in Chicago
Who is your hero? Biggest inspiration? My Mom or any member of PHAMALY
Where are you in 10 years? Hopefully exactly where I am now-still doing what I love with the people I love the most!
Can we follow you? FB? Twitter? Instagram? FB (Click Here)
Why see West Side Story? How is the story relevant today? Hate stems from so much ignorance and misunderstanding. Is there bad in this world? Absolutely! Is it scary to raise my kids in today’s society? You bet! Do I worry every single day I drop them off at elementary school? Sure! Young people can be cruel at such an early age but we can also teach our youth acceptance and patience and that although we may not all look alike, sound alike, believe in the same things-we are all human beings at our core. We all have feelings that hurt and lives that matter. My life is full of “different” people and I feel like the luckiest person for knowing each of them! It is what makes our world go ‘round. We should embrace our differences and learn to get along.
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