Cast as Esther Jane in A Christmas Story, the Musical

Name: Darrow Klein
Dob: 11/03/02
Hometown:Washington, DC
Education: 8th grade at Horizons K-8
Day job: Learning the depths of knowledge in school
Holiday: Halloween
Season: Autumn
Movie: The Harry Potter series
Musical: Finding Neverland (currently. It changes a lot)
Color: Black
Animal: MANATEES!!!
Book: The Percy Jackson series!
Band: Imagin Dragons
Song: really hard to chose but probably, I’m alive from Next to Normal (at least currently my favorite. This also changes)
Beverage: Mint chocolate chip milkshake
Pastime: hanging out with my friends
Eggnog or Hot Chocolate? Hot chocolate
Dogs or cats? Dogs (although I’m allergic to both)
Sweet or Sour? Sour
Cake or Pie? Pie
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
Coke or Pepsi? Coke
Coffee or Tea? I like them both equally. It depends on my mood.
Soup or Salad? Soup
City or Countryside? City
Summer or Winter? Summer (I get to go to spend my summers at Interlochen School for the Performing Arts. My favorite place in the world)
Mountains or Ocean? Ocean!
What’s your favorite holiday tradition? Picking pumpkins from the pumpkin patch for Halloween with my family.
You are stranded at the North Pole, what two items do you bring? A really warm jacket and my phone
When life hands you lemons? Through them back at life and make your own fate
Dream role to perform? There’s so many! Top would probably be Eponine in Les Mes
Who is your hero? Probably The Dali Lama
What’s your biggest fear? My ladder going up to my loft bed (sounds silly but it’s terrifying)
What inspires you? That the world still spins round and round every day no matter what happens on it.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully at a good college working towards a degree in Musical Theater and Marine biology
Can we follow you? FB? Twitter? Instagram? My Twitter is: @darrow_klein my Instagram is: @darrowklein
Why should we see A Christmas Story The Musical? It’s a family show that has something for every age, gender and religion. You will get a kick out of it. What a great way to spend time with your family and friends!
Any holiday wishes? I wish that people all around the world have a happy healthy peaceful loving holiday season.
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